HR management in the changing workplace
Attracting new talents is not the only challenge the manufacturing industry recruiters are facing. New trends are shaking up the whole idea of work and the workplace.
At Tasowheel, Kati Louhiniitty was appointed HR (Human Resource) Manager as of May 16.
After a short period outside the manufacturing industry, I was drawn back. Companies with their own production have always inspired me, Kati explains.
As a seasoned HR professional, she knows that attracting employees in manufacturing is a hot topic today. It is also a barrier to growth that crosscuts industries and companies of all scales. The good news is that employers no longer need to struggle alone.
Companies nationwide are brainstorming together to boost recruitment. Even the public sector has realized that labor shortage is a shared concern with large-scale economic and societal impacts.
Possible paths forward include innovative tools in terms of employment, apprenticeship programs, and international recruitment. Kati is optimistic about the future.
There is a new mood of determination to improve things.

As a newcomer, Kati is the right person to reveal Tasowheel’s competitive edge in the talent market. What attracted her in the first place?
I only knew little in advance, but a phone conversation with Jarmo (CEO Jarmo Kuikka) made an impression of a highly professional company with a warm atmosphere.
After a few months, the first impression has turned into a robust image. Kati appreciates the combination of strong roots and a positive, forward-looking attitude. The benefits of a family-owned business are present everywhere:
We have a caring and strong community of people who work together toward a common vision, discuss openly, respect and help each other. The company’s success and growth are made together as a team.
For Kati, having humorous and like-minded people around is vital for workplace wellbeing.
I think that is why I like production: we speak the same language.
Kati’s plan is to systematize the HR processes and procedures to ensure their consistency throughout the company. She was happily surprised at how much had already been done.
Although this is a new position, I did not have to start from scratch.
Besides everyday HR management, she is responsible for its development. At present, the implementation of a new HR system, creating a long-term recruitment strategy and organizing competence mapping keep her busy.
The recruitment strategy must support the overall strategy by defining what sort of skills and knowledge we need to be future proof. If we spot a deficit in competencies, the next task is to evaluate if we can upskill our employees or do we need to recruit externally.
New trends, such as a flexible work model and a holistic approach to employee wellbeing, are changing the landscape of HR management.
Employees embrace flexibility in terms of hours and location. It is no longer a temporary pandemic response but an enduring feature of the modern workplace.
In production with restricted possibilities for remote work, flexibility turns into mutual flexibility and understanding that benefits both parties. Employee engagement is another hot topic revolutionizing the work of HR managers.
Retaining talents is as important as recruiting them. There is no universal formula to engage employees, but we must develop efficient incentives that motivate new generations.
Though the simplest basics of motivation are on the radar of all generations.
Everyone wants to be good at what they do. The feeling of mastering one’s job supports wellbeing.
Human resource management is a broad field that covers a range of functions. All HR professionals require a comprehensive view of talent acquisition, performance management, compensation, and legislation, not to mention good interpersonal skills.
Dialogues inspire me. I understand different perspectives and take things as they are: things. Negative issues are nothing personal but a part of my job.
For Kati, learning new things is a passion. Good networks ensure that she stays up-to-date on employment laws, trends and regulations. An in-depth understanding of the organization is a must.
You cannot cut human resource management into small pieces and develop each sub-function independently, but you must see the big picture and know where the business is heading.